Photos from Summer 2006:
Thing Three, eating dinner on the back porch of our beach house, Whidbey Island.
Thing Two at the bottom of the trail to our beach on our first night on Whidbey Island.
Thing One, beachcombing as the sun sets.
Things Two and Three, walking down the path to the beach.
Things One and Three, playing in the surf.
Thing Three, munching on a sandwich.
Roasting marshmallows at the beach house.
The cake I made for my Fourth of July party. Vive la France!
Thing Three helping me make pancakes.
Things One and Two's after school program, which holds a birthday party for the center every year, hired a fire dancing crew as entertainment this year. This is the leader of the crew, spinning a flaming baton. For children.*
Thing One, leading everyone to Waldo Lake.
Thing Two at Waldo Lake, holding a frog he caught.
Friend R and Thing Three at the County Fair.
Thing Two on the Ferris Wheel.
All of the kids on a ride, together. Arms around each other and happy.
It was, by all accounts, a wonderful summer.
*If there is ever any doubt that we live in the most alternative city in the country, this picture should erase it all.
you have gorgeous children. i LOVE that last picture of the three of them. can you send it to me?
Posted by: Friend One | September 12, 2006 at 02:31 PM