Friend R was house sitting for our mutual friend, Hunter/Writer over the holiday. Hunter/Writer has an amazing hand-built log cabin outside of town so it was only natural that Friend R decide to hold a Thanksgiving celebration there. As Friend-in-Residence, he invited me to come out Wedneday night. I picked him up after getting the Things off with John, and we loaded up the car with clothes and cooking items, various foods, and then stopped at the grocery store on the way out to the cabin.
That first night there, Friend R first practiced with the various butchering implements:
after which, he made a very tasty venison stew:
We ate late (very late, Spain late), but listened to music, drank gin and tonics (mine, regardless of what Friend R days, were better), and talked.
I went to sleep in the basement, where it was freezing, but settled under three down comforters and awoke, the next morning, toasty warm and quite happy. It was raining outside--I could hear the thrum on the roof--and above me, Friend R was busy in the kitchen, and everything felt homey and comfortable.
It helped that Friend R let me sleep until 11 am, a time which I cannot remember sleeping to since...well, since. There are a whole lot of things I could end that sentence with, and one of them would be "since Bush was in office. No, the first one."
After sipping coffee, Friend R and I busied ourselves with the preparations, which involved messing up the kitchen, repeatedly:
We took time out to drink coffee on the porch overlooking the valley:
and to pose for a photo:
before we got down to the serious business of turkey:
and it wasn't too long before we were eating:
and enjoying the house:
Rock'n' Roll History Scholar came out, as well as Sqeaky Clean Poet, Tim-Tim, and the girl he's dating, Smartly Quiet and Calm. We ate a lot, drank more, and I spent a few hours knitting my scarf (which is, as of twenty minutes ago, done. DONE!).
Thanksgiving, as it turned out, was not half bad. Not by a long shot.
i'm a little stung that my phone call did not make it into this blog entry.
i feel myself slipping down the pantheon.
Posted by: Friend Omega | November 24, 2006 at 10:58 PM
(You prolly had it coming in some way, Omega. Not to worry. Ours is not to reason why, you know, ours is but to sit and wait. Or something.)
What, no pictures of the scarf? What the hell is up with that? Did you fling it insouciantly around your neck? I'm waiting!
Posted by: Bloated Single Mother | November 25, 2006 at 08:06 AM
Oh shit!
The phone call!
fuckity fuck. It was supposed to go in.
Posted by: Terrible Mother | November 25, 2006 at 09:22 AM
those photos are cute
Posted by: Kari | November 30, 2006 at 07:22 AM