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March 05, 2010



thank god!!!!! so glad to see the return of terrible mother. and love the new design.


Likin' the new digs. Very cool.

Also, from what I understand, the Danes are famous flour filchers. The Swedes had to invent flat-packed weapons to fend them off.


This shit made my week, for real. Which is a testament to your amazingness, considering the week I've had. Please never stop writing.

Also, I think that casserole needs to happen.

Friend One

Two words: Bad. Ass. So glad you're back on the outside :)


Awe-SOME! I'll be a regular visitor here - miss reading you!

Terrible Mother

I had no idea the Danes really actually stole flour. I thought you were full on making that up, R.

I'm glad you guys like the new design. I mostly just wrote descriptive passages about my writing that probably made me sound like a jackass and they did the rest.


As the designer of your new masthead, I love that you love it! It was fun to create. Enjoy!

Cubicle Yoga

Yay, yay, yay! Glad to see this back. Love the design. Miss you! We should have coffee soon.


So glad to see you & your words.

Also. Seashells? I mean it when I say LOL.



I hear "Big Love" is a good show. Classists are far worse.

I'll have whatever you bring to the potluck.


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